Character Education » Peaceful School Bus

Peaceful School Bus

         Peaceful School BusSchool Bus
We are continuing to implement our Peaceful School Bus Program this school year. Information in regards to the program can be found on the Wolcott Street School website.
The Peaceful School Bus rules are attached and can be displayed in your home for future reference and review.  Provide signatures and return with your child to their teacher. We thank you for your support!
Once again, the goal of this program is designed to increase positive student interactions on our school buses. It will also create community and responsibility among students riding the bus. We hope this program will make your child’s experience on the bus enjoyable. Here is how the program works: Three times a year, students on the same school bus will meet together in our school building. They will get to know each other and learn how to act responsibly on the bus. We will also continue to teach the students about bullying. All bus drivers have been invited to attend our Peaceful School Bus meetings.
By seeing bus drivers, teachers, other school staff members, and parents/guardians working together, students will know that adults care about what happens on the school bus. As a parent/guardian, you have an important role in this program. If your child reports a problem on the bus to you, please let us know. We may also need to talk to you if your child displays inappropriate behavior on the school bus. Our goal is to help all children learn to be responsible members of their bus route group. Your help in educating your child about the program will be very important.